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Monday, October 03, 2005

Supreme Court Pick

So Bush has chosen Harriet Miers as his Supreme Court nominee. She has no judicial experience at all, and therefore no judicial record at all. Her only qualification seems to be her close relationship with GWB, and with all the negative attention lately on accusations of cronyism in the White House - especially after the Michael Brown debacle - I can't understand why this would seem a well-advised pick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but cronyism will not be a good enough reason for the Democrats to put up a fight. May be a bad pick but she will get nominated pretty easily.

Just think. First term Bush would have nominated Priscella Owens and he wouldve fought like crazy.

10:02 AM  
Blogger Chaim said...

Of the 80 Senators Bush met with, this one was the one that most of the Democrats advised him to go with. No judicial experience is not a new thing, it hasn't been done since 1972 with Rehnquist, but it is also a route that people advised Bush to go with. To ensure that all the people on the bench come from as many diverse separate lie paths as possible. That is after all the best way to get a honest, fair, well balanced, diverse court, bringing all possible walks of American life into decisions that carry such heavy weight. I've seen posts like your rushing to judge. It only incites the divisiveness in this country, why don't you research her a little more before branding her a crony. Have A sweet new year :-)

10:04 AM  
Blogger Jack Steiner said...

I have to doublecheck, but if I am not mistaken there have been a number of Justices who did not have any judicial experience including Earl Warren.

I am not making offering that as a judgement here, just placing out there for discussion.

10:17 AM  
Blogger orthomom said...

But they had other qualifications besides being in Bush's inner circle. I am just disappointed with this pick when there were other, more qualified candidates out there. What makes her qualified besides Bush and his pals' say-so?

10:20 AM  
Blogger Chaim said...

All I would ask is that people shouldn't have knee jerk reactions. Do your own research and come to your own opinion.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All I would ask is that people shouldn't have knee jerk reactions. Do your own research and come to your own opinion."

Sounds like your knee-jerk reaction is to showcase how much you think you know and tell other people to do their research.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Chaim said...

Anon - Need a hug? You sound bitter.

I've been up since 6AM reading newspapers online and have reading up and following this story since it broke around 7.

My KNEE JERK REACTION (to the people on the right kvetching also this morning as well) is to just research it.

Why do we always have to be so nasty and looking to catch the other "side" in crap. A little optimism and positive attitude once in a while wouldn't hurt this country.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Gil Student said...

Bush's number one concern is getting someone appointed. Anyone too visible will be put through a long and protracted battle, with either the right or the left (or more likely both) dragging this out forever and then rejecting the nominee.

This strategy of appointing qualified people with little track record is brilliant and has already proven successful. Just look at Chief Justice Roberts.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do we always have to be so nasty and looking to catch the other "side" in crap. A little optimism and positive attitude once in a while wouldn't hurt this country."

I totally agree with you regarding people doing the research before talking. While OM may or not be well informed in her mindset (she usually is), and I'm sure you do know what you're talking about, too, I'm just taking you to task for sounding so arrogant and smug.

Read your comments. You sound like Mark Green for cryin' out loud!

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This might be of interest: http://www.brendan-nyhan.com/blog/2005/10/harriet_miers_b.html

Kol tuv, Shabbat shalom, shanah tovah.


3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:42 AM  

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