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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Junk Food Rant

I completely support this:
April 26, 2007 -- WASHINGTON - Sugary drinks, fatty chips and gooey snack cakes should be banned from schools in the face of rising childhood obesity fueled by these "junk foods," an expert panel said yesterday in a report requested by Congress.

The Institute of Medicine panel proposed nutritional standards more restrictive than current government rules for foods and drinks sold outside regular meal programs in cafeterias, vending machines and school stores in elementary, middle and high schools.

The proposals would banish most potato chips, candies, snack cakes such as Twinkies, "sports drinks" such as Gatorade, sugary sodas and iced teas and punches made with minimal fruit juice.
I for the life of me could never understand why my kids' schools find it necessary to stock vending machines with the most gargantuan bottles of iced tea and powerade. I do recall having a soda machine in the lunchroom of my own elementary school in my childhood, but those days, apparently a small can of soda would suffice. Now we're talking 24-ounce bottles of liquid candy being marketed to grade-schoolers. And does anyone really think that a bag of cheese puffs is a wholesome school-day choice?

I would love to see the school switch over to small bottles of juice and water in their beverage vending machines, and low-fat pretzels and the like in their snack machines. I mean, it's 2007 - shouldn't we all know better?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about banning junk vehicles that can't get 45 miles to the gallon? The Arabs would be irrelevant if everybody drove Prius. Try it. The greatest car.

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids' school say they have a no junk food policy. They say the kids cant bring in true junk food like chips and candy. but they don't exactly enforce it.

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kids aren't allowed to bring their (parents') choice of food from home?

does anyone else think this borders on insane?

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course kids should be served healthy food, but why would you favor government regulation over something like this instead of leaving freedom of choice in the hands of the parents and school?

9:02 AM  
Blogger YMedad said...

In the UK, there's an anti-junk food campaign that's been successful

9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Libertarian said...

Of course kids should be served healthy food, but why would you favor government regulation over something like this instead of leaving freedom of choice in the hands of the parents and school? "

Beacuse vendoing machines are known to be a nice source of income for schools. They may know better, but they also know that they will sell far more soda than water and more chips than dried fruit.

A school switched their store over to healthy choices a few years back and profits went down precipitously.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 AM wrote: "Of course kids should be served healthy food, but why would you favor government regulation over something like this instead of leaving freedom of choice in the hands of the parents and school?"

You are correct. It also puts the USDA on the hook to provide foods that meet these requirements to schools that have subsidized lunch programs.

Healthy foods are more expensive than the garbage out there. Isn't that sad?

I bought a small carton of health nut mix the other day - costs 3 times as much as a large bag of fritos corn chips. And those puff things.

Also, healthy foods are usually more perishable (less shelf life) than the garbage out there.

Maybe this mandate will bring down the costs of good, nutritious foods.

9:21 AM  
Blogger MoChassid said...

A 20 ounce bottle of Powerade has fewer calories than a 12 ounce can of coke.

And besides, the government should stick to doing what what they do well like....oh well. But not micromanaging our lives.

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have insulin resistance - turns out one of my children (under age 12) may have it too. Their school had nothing but sugary cookies, cakes, candy and soda until parents put the pressure on this year.

The school's excuse? "kids won't eat anything else"

If they get hungry they will. Every weekend I go to Waldbaums and get a crudite with low carb, low fat dress. My "I won't eat that kids" usually have most if not all the vegetables in the crudite finished by Monday morning.

I hear you Orthomom - loud & clear. In a couple weeks my children both go for more insulin testing. Nothing like helping negative genetics. Thanks NYC School System - not.

9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to see our Yeshivas (even the really frum ones! and even the girls!) have serious gym classes with certified Phys. Ed. teachers that show the kids how to stretch and to do daily exercises and to try different sports.

Ban Dodgeball!!!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you want the government to tell schools what they can and cannot serve? i'm always amazed at how otherwise intelligent people often want to just hand the government we all distrust another set of keys to to lock a door on our personal freedoms.

having said that, how about a subsidy by the government which makes health foods no more expensive to schools than junk food. there are some problems with that (e.g. more taxes), but at least it gives schools and parents the choice.

9:54 AM  
Blogger mother in israel said...

This legislation doesn't limit what the parents can send with their kids to school, only what the school can sell on the premises.

As for the government, it seems that some commenters would rather let big business take advantage of their kids' health and pocketbooks than let the government help put those businesses in their place. Clearly the school administrators aren't doing their jobs, and the parents are letting them get away with it.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Anon- Public schools are government funded. Of course the government has a right to tell them what to serve. And they have been doing so for years.

As for your comment that making healthy food accessible at the same price as junk would raise taxes, that is just incorrect. This week's NYTimes magazine had an article about how the farm subsidy bill is responsible for how cheap junk food is, in comparison to things like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, one last thing: juices often contain just as much sugar as sodas, with nominal nutritional value.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 5-page summary of the actual report:


For the record, (if the yeshivas are somehow getting this federal funding) the report would be against/forbid, say, ordering pizza for students that stay late for a weekly night seder or other extracurricular.

And can anyone explain the fruit juice exception?

10:54 AM  
Blogger someone said...

some fruit juice does have vitamin c which is probably why they allow it. you are better off just eating the actual fruit itself but vending is income for schools. will be a great day when dole figures out how to make a fruit vending machine

and yeshivas really need to overhaul their PE program. if/when i ever have kids, it would seriously be a reason why i would pick public school instead.

this country ain't becoming laissez faire anytime soon, i say change the government regulations big time. more PE, healthier snacks. america is eating itself to death - - yeshivas included

11:07 AM  
Blogger Looking Forward said...

well, I doubt that this is going to do very much. More of a problem than these kinds of foods is the epidemic problems with fast food that we have in this country. Ban that and we'll find our kids slimming down real fast (and THANK G-D torah doesn't allow us any!)

This is just the drop in the bucket and wont do a darn thing. Kids had these kinds of sweets back in the 1950's and no one was this fat. This kind of insanity didn't start untill the invention of fast food. Personaly I say ban any resturant that doesn't keep a certain basic level of health in their menu and that serves their food in less than a certain amount of time and does not cook the food in house.

Plus the great thing would be that it would increase the economy by making more jobs, push more people to cook for their children at home, make our out of house dining options healthier, and possibly make it like 10 times easier to open a kosher resturaunt. (as the compitition isn't so tight)

1:22 PM  
Blogger Looking Forward said...

oh yah, and ban the drive through too. All meals must be eaten in the establishment.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


maybe the distric wellness policy should be adapted for the private schools as well?

2:29 PM  
Blogger Leah Goodman said...

I never had vending machines in any elementary school. The first time I even had the option of buying a can of coke in school was 8th grade - the kids from one of the grades sold sodas in cans and maybe one kind of chips during lunch time. In high school, we had a soda machine, a coffee machine, and a junk food machine, but the school gave us juice in the morning and chocolate milk at lunch for free...

BTW, when I was in school in the US, we weren't allowed to drink (even water) during class. Is it still like that?!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

forget about school lunches and vending machines. how about the schools controlling the teachers when it comes to parties. . . parsha parties, shabbat parties etc. how many times have you gotten a note home asking you to send in at treat for a party. imagine, 18-20 kids each bringing a different kind of junk food, and all of it being eaten in one sitting. how abaout if everyone brings in a dollar and the teachers buys a single celebratory treat fo the class

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mother in israel:

please. 'big business' cannot force your child to eat junk in schools. don't give your kids money for that food, go to a pta meeting and demand the school remove the junk machines etc.. but dont blame 'big business' and then hand the gov't all the power. that's idiotic mob-like thinking.

annie: yes the federal gov't funds local schools and can, on a constitutional level, probably demand schools serve only certain foods or else lose funding but congress won't effectively shut down a school by removing funding because they serve unhealthy snask (they'll only pass this type of separate law which puts it on an agency to do the dirty work).

moreover, my point was that sure they can technically do this, why as a society would we want to give the FEDERAL gov't more power over our LOCAL schools. it goes against the very basic notion of federalism that education ought to be local. it goes against the basic notion that we should choose what goes in our mouths, not the government.

as to your last point, i'm glad you read the NYTimes and it explains to you WHY junk food is cheaper. That doesnt change the fact that it IS cheaper and so forcing schools to spend more would mean higher taxes.

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the diference between the government mandating parameters for our kids education (their mental well being) or their in-school snacking (their physical well-being). If you are against the rules about snacking then you should be a libertarian about the government education guidelines. who says one is more ok than the otehr?

4:49 PM  
Blogger DAG said...

The decision should be on school site level and pursued and enforced by the parents IF they wish...No gov't involvment

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please be reminded that this Friday Night we will have our

Father - Son Friday Night Minyan

This Minyan is for all boys from the 3rd grade thru the 6th grade
at 7:00pm, in the Annette Adler and Family Teen & Young Adult Beit Medrash

Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst
Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum
President, David Kaszovitz
Executive Director, Marvin Schenker
8 Spruce Street
Cedarhurst, New York 11516
Phone: (516) 569-3324

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Sfas Emes Shiur will meet this evening at 9:25pm in the Adler Beit Medrash.

Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst
Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum
President, David Kaszovitz
Executive Director, Marvin Schenker
8 Spruce Street
Cedarhurst, New York 11516
Phone: (516) 569-3324

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Now you're in for it... Think about all the e-mails you're going to start getting now after all the comments you've been leaving! Maybe this time it will be from Young Israel of Woodmere and the White Shul!! Because we all know that when you leave a comment a site automatically gets your e-mail address...right? Doesn't it?

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I raised this issue with my daughter's school last year and was told proudly that all soda machines were removed and now they only sell iced tea and powerade. Well, those 20 oz bottles have, on average 56 grams of sugar in them- that's 14 teaspoons of sugar!!! When I asked why the school couldn't just sell water, the principal looked at me like I was from another planet. Calories and obesity issues aside, slowly sipping a 20 oz bottle of powerade all afternoon is basically bathing your teeth in liquid sugar all day.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhh, I've left a ton of comments and have never gotten an email from any religious establishment in the 5T.

Try taking a breather and stepping away from your computer.

12:18 AM  
Blogger MoChassid said...

I think that we should ban TV while we are at it. Our kids get fat because they watch 80 hours of TV a week rather than play ball, etc.

Then we need to go after all trans fats. They are very bad.

And, while we're at it, we MUST ban avocados. Do you realize how many calories avocados have? It is a conspiracy by the avocado industry. You think you are eating a healthy vegetable (fruit?) and all of a sudden your thighs begin to balloon!

THis is outrageous.

10:50 AM  
Blogger YMedad said...

that Anon sleuth is so funny. he's/she's absolutley ecstatic, going into a crescendo of paroxysms and emotional excitement, rising to a climax of...oops, this is an orthodox blog.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd be amazed at the number of people who think kosher=healthy. There are all kinds of things that are certified kosher, such as bleached white flour, processed white sugar, hydrogenated oils, preservatives and colorants, etc., which frankly aren't fit for human consumption - not to mention that GMO's are considered kosher, even though they are "mixed seeds" with DNA from other plants and even other species - including pigs and shellfish, etc. I can't understand why the Rabbis aren't yelling and screaming for an organic kosher certification of some kind that would prohibit the above ingredients in everybody's food, not just kids.

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MoC -

Avocadoes are fruits. Like tomatoes. And walnuts, I think.

- Moishe Potemkin

11:52 AM  
Blogger Сергей said...


Please consider writing news pieces or an op-ed for Jewrusalem: Israeli Uncensored News. We strive to present different views and opinions while rejecting political correctness. Ideally, we try to make the news "smart and funny." Thus, your input is very welcome.


6:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

HI ORTHOMOM, thought you might enjoy this since I know you previously posted on the annoyance of Bugaboos. I guess I had it coming to me for making such a silly purchase. Have a look:


3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To slightly misquote Blu Greenberg-no, not THAT quote-the bracha that we should say over soda, corn chips, and anything with pareve "cream" is "gomel". We are taking our lives and the lives of our children in our hands when we consume the typical American diet. God may protect the simple, but we should all know better.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a kid there were NO vending machines in schools. They are only there at all because schools are under-funded. There is no need for them whatsoever.
There are rules about what kids are allowed to bring in for snacks at my daughter's school (not always well enforced), and a kiosk sells organic fruit at break time.
Trans-fats are bad, and should probably be banned, period.
As for avocados: don't be flippant.

1:30 PM  
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5:36 AM  
Anonymous Term Paper said...

The Institute of Medicine panel proposed nutritional standards more restrictive than current government rules for foods and drinks sold outside regular meal programs in cafeterias, vending machines and school stores in elementary, middle and high schools.

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fast food for me is the big problem in American society ... can see in the movie Big Size Me

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2:24 PM  
Anonymous Raid Recovery said...

I dont ever take junk foods and also avoid to give my kids.

3:28 PM  
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9:32 AM  
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It's a very good post.

3:10 PM  
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1:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

we can not deny that junk food can be delicious and catch our attention specially when we go out with some relatives or friends. But the junk food can be harmful for our welfare or health, resulting in a obesity or even affecting our sexual development. So the relation ships are affected too. We need to change eating habits,start exercising frequently and if you have erectil dysfunctions the better alternative could be buy viagra. But the most important thing is take care our health.

11:25 PM  
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9:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think the obesity is very danger for everybody, is like a pump that can explot any time. So is necesary to take care exercising and taking good and healthy food and stop eating junk food for ever!!!!. The life is too short, so we need to take care of us every single day for enjoy the things that the life gave to us. I bought my house through costa rica homes for sale and i enjoy it every day.

3:01 PM  
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1:17 AM  
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12:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think The Junk food is not suitable for the student;s . they need to take healthy food for their lunch, Some time's junk food's like chips,patties and etc can be very effective your body, But Junk food's should not be banned in the School's.


6:05 AM  
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12:30 AM  
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6:27 AM  
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6:25 AM  
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3:08 AM  
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8:00 AM  
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3:34 PM  
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12:09 AM  
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9:57 AM  
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In other words, they go against the grain of the careers their parents had.
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3:40 AM  
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and emotional.
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2:31 PM  
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7:59 PM  
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At the end of each round read out the cumulative scores.
Theme Format: It is almost like standard format of the pub quiz.

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11:37 AM  
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In that case, this kind of question should not be taken from any show telecasted in specific country.

Anna had been looking through my phone while I was naked.

The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening,
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2:51 AM  
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In other words, they go against the grain of the careers their parents had.
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7:58 AM  
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Narrow blood vessels lie alongside the intestines of the earthworm and they absorb the nutrients from the alimentary canal feeding
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5:05 PM  
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The players would begin as members of the SCA, going to Phoenix for
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5:49 PM  
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In other words, they go against the grain of the careers their parents had.
* Team answer sheets - Basically a grid lined A4 type sheet with answer write
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specials and some form of entertainment every night of the week--DJ's, live music, trivia, you name it.

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6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and emotional.
I believe my exact words were "I don't want to be your dirty little secret. They feature almost nightly drink specials and some form of entertainment every night of the week--DJ's, live music, trivia, you name it.

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4:45 PM  
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In that case, this kind of question should not be taken from any show
telecasted in specific country. * Team answer sheets - Basically a grid lined A4 type
sheet with answer write in numbered boxes and a line on
top for the team name. The decline of the
East side blues scene was disheartening, but, it also gave rise
to the need for a fresh start, which came in the form of the
next blues-only venue, Antone's, founded by the late Clifford Antone, during the summer of 1975.

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5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ spins out on Saturday nights. Local country clubs are offering trivia fun for as little as
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4:20 AM  
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Some were practical, of course, but others were psychological and
emotional. Anna had been looking through my phone while I was naked.

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12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In that case, this kind of question should not be taken from any show telecasted in specific country.
Anna had been looking through my phone while I was naked.
The buccal cavity is a small cavity that has neither jaws
nor teeth.

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9:37 AM  
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