Monday, March 03, 2008

NYT on the Concert Ban

The NYT covers the concert ban I posted about here.

Not much new there, but a few quick notes:

This comment is troubling:
Sheya Mendlowitz, the concert’s producer, said Mr. Friedman and Mr. Shor had known about the concert for months but had acted without warning, just two weeks before the show, causing $700,000 in losses.

“These two activists stirred up all the trouble,” said Mr. Mendlowitz, who has worked in the Hasidic music business for 27 years. “They just wanted to sabotage us.”
Regardless of how deeply these Rabbanim felt about the impropriety of the concert, if the allegations above are true, and those behind the ban knew full well the inconvenience that canceling it so late in the game would cause to so many, there's really not much excuse for waiting until the event had drawn so close to kick up a fuss. None.

However, as upsetting as such actions may be, they don't explain this ridiculous comment, by Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who, er, overstates things more than a bit:
“In all my 26 years of representing this community, I can’t remember anything that has so shaken the people,” Mr. Hikind said on Sunday.
Uh...I can think of a few. The Crown Heights riots? 9/11? Talk about an exaggeration on Hikind's part.

Another bone to pick with the story - the reporter discusses "Mr. Shor" - aka Rav Avrohom Schorr - one of the Yeshiva world's most prominent Rabbis, yet manages to bestow the honorific of "Rabbi" to the radio personality Zev Brenner, who calls himself Mr. Brenner in his own bio. A minor point, to be sure , but it shows how quickly and carelessly this story was cobbled together.

All in all, not our finest moment.


  1. From all the coverage I've read, the concert has been common knowledge for months. It doesn't seem like it was a secret that they all of the sudden started advertising 3 weeks beforehand. In addition, the producer said that he was in consultation with rabbonim beforehand and made every accommodation possible.

    Are you doubting that Friedman and Shor knew about it well beforehand or just lamenting that this is the way the action unfolded? It's unclear in your post.

    And sorry, any Rav who behaves the way Shorr did (destroying someone's parnassah, denying orphans tzedakah, embarrassing others, etc) doesn't deserve the moniker Rav.

  2. You're concerned about Rabbi Schorr's "slight"?

    If you want to talk about slights --- what about the sanitized, lockstep Hamodia getting credit for Rabbi Kaminetsky interview quotes that came from the Jewish Star's refreshingly candid interview.

  3. Also, just read the article- the paragraph previous to the one you quoted refers to him as Rabbi Shor. It seems the second one is a typo- you can call off the anti-semitism squad.

    Considering that it's a daily paper, I would imagine most articles are written rather quickly.

  4. It seems the second one is a typo- you can call off the anti-semitism squad.

    "anti-semitism"? Huh? Where do I allege anything but sloppiness?

  5. The tone of your comment suggested some kind of deliberate slight- rather than just a run of the mill typo.

  6. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Does anyone know from where and when "Rabbi" Zev Brenner received semicha?

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Back to the point at hand. These rabbonim acted in a manner that does not do anything to squelch the current sentiment of many that the shift to the extreme right is now taking on a "Taliban" like zeal. Things are being assured and condemned before a situation is fully evaluated, and even if a psak was initially given (as Sheya Mendlowitz says it was) if some comes screaming and using a scare tactic these rabbonim are quick to change their tune quickly to assur the thing they first said was OK. We are getting to the point where these takanos are "takoanos she' ain hatzibur yachol laamod bahem" . With such few kosher recreation venues currently available making more takanos and assuring more things will only drive more kids to the streets b/c they have no way to express themselves. Where is Elli Teitlebaum, who was so vocal during the summer about this, now? People's parnasah are in the bounds here, not to mention the many very worthy Jewish organizations that rely heavily on such concerts to pay for their operating expenses. Will the HASC concert now be banned as well? What about the yesomim who are being supported by this organization? Who is going to pay for their weddings now, the people who lost money on their ticket sales are going to be asked to give more money to tzedakah? Where does it end?

  8. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The NY Times has a scoop for us. "Rabbi" avrumi Schorr has been defrocked. High time. The man is a menace to society.

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    With all due respect to Hrav Shor who works with teens at risk in his Yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel.

    Perhaps it was the venue MSG or the cross over of Jewish music to pop that is the problem. In any case an edict was served on the public by Dass Torah.

    It is shcoking to go to weddings today and see guys and girls do moves that belong on the streets of Bedsty and Harlem rather than adhere to the beauty and deveykus of traditional Jewish Music.

    I am not a Tzadik I enjoy HBO in the privacy of my home and occasionaly I will go with my wife to see a movie, and when a familiar song from my teens years is heard I will humm along,I root for the home teams and attend ball games.

    Perhaps a suggestion to our community at large is to make that distinction between Jewish Music and culture and Our gentile world around us. Is it possible to enjoy American Culture and stay frum?
    Of course it is our parents do/did.

    However when we tear down that division along with incorporating Gentile culture, to the point like putting lipstick on a pig it does become dangerous to the Frum world.

    How many of us listened to the Yankees at Yeshiva How many of of us cut school to go to a movie. How many of us went down to Miami Beach and behaved like Yeshiva Bachurim and Baid Yakov Girs shouldnt. There was allways the fear of getting caught by our parents and our Mechanchim and that is how we learned the fear of heaven. In addition drugs were unheard of and promiscuity was rearly heard of.

    When Frum and Chassidish society begins to cross into gentile society and makes all the taboo kosher, we are venturing into dangerous waters, legitimizing "kosher brothels in Brooklyn" H'Y
    A Frum/Chassidish Concert at venues performed by the rolling stones? Let's all take a step back and look at our Charedi society. The outcome and damage of the past 20 years may be so severe that it could Chas V'Sholom never be repaired

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Let's be honest Dass Hatorah is not always correct.

  11. News Flash:

    The Yated just reported that the Daf Yomi Siyum Hashas at MSG will be cancelled. A Lakewood spokesman was reported as saying, " What kind of Chutzpah do these people have, thinking that learning only an hour day should be rewarded in any way?"

  12. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Da'as Torah has lost its' da'as and Torah


  13. Re: News Flash: Not to mention having the siyum at a place where the Rolling Stones have played! A shanda!

  14. and what about chareidi weddings that have taken place at the home of the islanders -- nassau colliseum? with all that blood on the ice? is this really the proper place for a bayit neeman to lay it's foundation?

    realistically, we're simply talking about a space large enough to hold the masses. it's just a building, anon 2.44. period.

  15. Abbi, and all those WWE wrestling matches? Do people REALLY want to buy a Shas at the same place they usually sell NY Liberty T-shirts? And guess what, men and women sit together on the trains in Penn Station underneath MSG, and don’t even ask what kind of “entertainment” is available mere yards away from the Garden.... Time for Chumrahs Anonymous:
    As I wrote elsewhere, what strikes me here is that if I was TRYING to destroy Charedi Judaism and the concept of Daas Torah, I could not have thought of a better strategy.

    Scam leading Rabbis into signing a ban that’s not even written properly on the pretext that time is of the essence and then include the likes of Lipa Margolius as one of the signatories.

    It’s a perfect ploy, because Daas Torah can’t admit it was wrong and remain Daas Torah as it is currently understood. Trapped in a paradox.

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Anon 2:44--

    "Dance moves that belong on the streets of Harlem and Bed-Stuy"???

    Hmmm.. Let me try and guess what you are implicating.

    Allow me ask you something. How does it feel when you "hum along to a song from your teens"? Perhaps you are in need a second "brainwashing" to erase all your secular memories. Who knows, it might even curb your desire to go to an occasional movie or enjoy HBO in the privacy of your home.

  17. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Coverage of the ban in the Jewish Week:

  18. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Ridiculous, what fools we all look like. Just to be clear, I plan to attend the CAHAL concert this Sat. night! :-D

    Lawrence high-school @ 8PM - be there if you care, want to make a statement, or just to get a Mitzvah, and enjoy this very appropriate activity for the month of Adar Bet.

  19. Anonymous10:37 PM

    and also enjoy causing permanent damageto your hearing

  20. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Hey ORTHOMOM, seems like Dov Hikind ain't on your list of friends. What has he done to your feathers? A believer in a safe and secure Israel just does not jive with your way of thinking,, any American President or politician that twists the arms of the Israeli government to give up land to terror groups, who shoot rockets upon innocent people is interested in Jewish GENOCIDE.

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