Matisyahu Rocks

I checked out the circular from Best Buy that was bundled with today's paper, and how cool was it to see Matisyahu's Live at Stubb's album, prominently featured with albums from five other super-popular artists in the "alternative" section. Complete with a thumbnail of his album cover (left) where he sports his hat, beard, and dark suit in the pic.
Love it.
When I was in the midwest last week, I flipped around until I found an alternative station. Right there in the middle of goyishville USA they were playing Matisyahu's album!
The female Dj was raving about the album and how she can't wait for his next release. For the record the sang was sanwiched between Modest Mouse and Radiohead - how cool is that?!
King Without a Crown is one of the more popular songs on a couple of stations here in LA.
Some of the guys I work with are all exited about Matisyahu and ask me if I know him (since I am the only other Orthodox Jew that they know). They ask me about other "cool" Jewish music. They now listen to Piamenta.
There is nothing wrong with Mattisyahu but it is so pathetic that what excites you all is acceptance among the goyim. Wow, you're all cool because now your music is equal to theirs. It's like a Jewish grandmother excited when she learns a particular (lowlife) celebrity is Jewish. Shame on all of you!
Anonymous said...
There is nothing wrong with Mattisyahu but it is so pathetic that what excites you all is acceptance among the goyim. Wow, you're all cool because now your music is equal to theirs. It's like a Jewish grandmother excited when she learns a particular (lowlife) celebrity is Jewish. Shame on all of you!
Thanks for your input, Anon. Personally, i think it is wonderful that Matisyahu is out there as a role model. An Orthodox married man with children, who has managed to make it in a world of performers the likes Lil Kim and Eminem, is someone to be proud of. It goes to show that a performer who is truly talented doesn't have to live the party life and go the club circuit to be accepted. How cool is that?
Also it proves that you can be FRUM and make it in the music biz. I am also a (closet) musician but I've missed out on so many opportunities because of shabbos/friday night.
It gives a person a lot of hope that you really CAN have it all.
Let's keep in mind that Matisyahu is a BT and ALL his musical training and influences came BEFORE he was frum.
Had he lived in Crown Heights his whole life, I highly doubt he'd have achieved this level of sophistication in his music.
I'm not saying this to take anything away from him, but he is not a product of Orthodoxy.
I'm not saying this to take anything away from him, but he is not a product of Orthodoxy.
Doesn't make him any less of a role model - if anything, it makes him more of one, having rejected all of the fun that the secular musician's lifestyle has to offer.
Anonymous, you confuse me (unless you are two different people in which case you both should get a SCREEN NAME already.)
First you accuse OM of only being proud of a yid for being accepted by society at large- then you say that he never could be as good as he is unless he was raised within that society at large. So which is it?
We are two different anonymous posters.
i think jimmy kimmel was making a joke of mattisyahu. That joke became a phenom.
what is the message of him sitting next to a nearly naked pam anderson?
Whats next, madonna putting on tefillin and spouting kabbalah? oh, forgot, been there, done that.
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