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Friday, April 21, 2006

Schlissel Challah

Hey, everyone. I'm back, from undisclosed locations. Which could be anywhere from Alaska, to my in-laws house, to my very own kitchen. Not telling. But it was great, wherever we spent it. Hope you all enjoyed your Chag as well.

I have already moved on today to the post-Pesach activity of baking "Schlissel Challah". I am no expert on the custom, which was handed down to me by my Mom and her mother, but you take a key, and bake it into a challah. As far as I always heard it, using the challah for Lechem Mishnah at the Shabbos table the week after Pesach is a Segulah for livelihoood. I was told that it does not matter whether the key opens any particular door, though I have heard that some have the custom to use the particular key that opens their own front door.

Another few explanations for the custom that I found here:
1. Based on "Pitchi Li Achoti, Ra'ayati..." ("Open up, my
darling..."--Shir HaShirim 5:2), on which the Medrash states "Pitchu li
petach ke-chudo shel machat...," (cf. Shi HaShirim Rabbah 5, s.v. "Kol
Dodi Dofek") = something like "Open your hearts (in teshuvah) like the
eye of the needle, and I (God) will open the rest like [a very large

2. According to Kabbalah on Pesach the gates to heaven were open, and
following Pesach the lower gates are shut, and it's up to us to open
them again, therefor on the 1st Shabbat we put the key on the challah to
show that through the mitzvah of Shabbat we are opening the locks
[original source?].

3. In the desert the Jewish people ate from the manna until after Pesach
upon entering the land (with the bringing of the Omer, see: Josh. 5:11),
at which point the ate from the produce of the land, and became
dependant on their livelihood for the first time (now they had no
manna). The key in the challah after Pesach is a request the God should
open the Sha'arei Parnasah (gates of livelihood). Alternatively, the
manna began to fall in the month of Iyyar, and this Shabbat is always
Shabbat Mevarchim Iyyar.

See: Sefer Ta'amei HaMinhagim, pp. 249-50.
See: Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 6, pp. 1419-20 for a photo of a shluss
challah (and other "special" challot). It seems (from both of the above
sources) that the minhag was to bake the key on top of the challah not
inside (a la the old jail break trick).
Anyone else baked Schlissel Challah today? Anyone else have any good sources for the Minhag?


Blogger MUST Gum Addict said...

Mrs. Must baked Schlissel Challah today. The house smells awesome. We use our front door key (the wife prefers to use mine)...

Not sure where the minhag comes from but the wife has a chassidishe background... then again, the wife doesn't need much of a reason if it's a segulah for parnassah :)

Glad to hear you had a lovely yom tov -- same here... Good shabbos!

6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! She's back!

6:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the sources of the minhag - it will save me from having to do my own research (which I was about to do).

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just waiting for DB to weigh on this one...

9:59 PM  
Blogger Shifra said...

I've actually never heard of that as a jewish custom - but many cultures have a custom of baking things into bread - wacky.

I'm not much a a segula-woman myself but family traditions are always fun.

11:29 PM  
Blogger and so it shall be... said...

The source for the minhag is our ex-chassidish neighbors from on our old block in Brooklyn. Prior to that, my wife and I had never heard of anything so excruciatingly silly. And yet, my wife bakes schlissel Challah.

We forgot the keys this year, however. We have a combination lock on the front door and have since lost all other house keys. Does that mean it won't work? Please advise...

11:39 PM  
Blogger MUST Gum Addict said...

you just have to carve the numbers of the combination into the bottom of the challah -- then it will work... :)

9:44 AM  
Blogger and so it shall be... said...

now there's an idea for next year...

10:57 AM  
Blogger YMedad said...

I started this off with a query at MailJewish and got these replies:

From: Medad
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:04:13 +0200
Subject: Minhag of the Apta Rav

In his Ohev Yisrael, the Apta Rav, Avraham Yehoshua Heschel, notes a
minhag to be observed at Seuda Shlishit on the Shabbat after Pesach which is to make an impression on the challot with a key (and maybe even
to bake the challot in the shape of a key?).

Anyone hear of this? Practice it?

Subject: Re: Schlissel Challah
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 23:24:03 +0200
From: Medad
To: Chaimwass@aol.com


see these replies too:

Encyclopedia Judaica Volume 6 p.1419 in the subject of Food has a lovely illustation of various special hallot.The 5th illustration has the following comment:"Hallah from Volhynia for the first Sabbath after Passover.The key placed on top of the loaf symbolizes the "gate of release" which traditionally remains open for a month after the festival."
Fay Berger


I wrote about the minhag here:


Mo'adim l'simcha,

Yehudah Prero


Chaimwass@aol.com wrote:

Shalom u'moadim lesimchah.

The "schlissel challah" is practiced by old-time Yerushalmim and many chassidim. It is a segulah for parnasah. My son, who has been the chef of several yeshivot in chutz la'aretz and now in Gush is preparing several challot for coming Shabbat in which a key tothe house of the various people requesting it will be buried into the dough.

BTW, Batya ("Beth") - you have been very much on target these past few blogs that you've sent starting with the reaction to the recent OU Jewish Action.

My very best
Chaim Wasserman

Minhag of the Apta Rav
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 09:07:20 -0700 (PDT)

This is called "Schlissel Challah." The following is
quoted from Mail Jewish, Vol. 36, Number 11:

". . . this had to do with a blood libel, where a chassidishe rebbe found blood in his wine bottles
(after his shul key fell off the wall a few times on the Friday night before Pesach). See, after the key fell off the wall, the rebbe went back to the shul and
found that the wine bottles were filled with blood, so he threw them all out. The next day the powers that be came to the shul to prove a blood libel, but there was
no blood in the wine bottles, so the town was saved.

So now, people either put the key into the challah or make an impression of the key in challah, and its called "Shlissel Challah" and its a segulah for parnassa, and they do it the shabbos after pesach."

"The minhag of women (or men) baking the house key into the challah on the Shabbat following Pesach (also known as a shliss [=key] challah) is explained with
the following reasons:

1. Based on "Pitchi Li Achoti, Ra'ayati..." ("Open up, my darling..."--Shir HaShirim 5:2), on which the Medrash states "Pitchu li petach ke-chudo shel machat...," (cf. Shi HaShirim Rabbah 5, s.v. "Kol Dodi Dofek") = something like "Open your hearts (in teshuvah) like the eye of the needle, and I (God) will
open the rest like [a very large opening].

2. According to Kabbalah on Pesach the gates to heaven were open, and following Pesach the lower gates are shut, and it's up to us to open them again, therefor on the 1st Shabbat we put the key on the challah to show that through the mitzvah of Shabbat we are opening the locks [original source?].

3. In the desert the Jewish people ate from the manna until after Pesach upon entering the land (with the bringing of the Omer, see: Josh. 5:11), at which point
the ate from the produce of the land, and became dependant on their livelihood for the first time (now they had no manna). The key in the challah after Pesach is a request the God should open the Sha'arei Parnasah (gates of livelihood). Alternatively, the
manna began to fall in the month of Iyyar, and this Shabbat is always Shabbat Mevarchim Iyyar.

See: Sefer Ta'amei HaMinhagim, pp. 249-50. See: Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 6, pp. 1419-20 for a
photo of a shluss challah (and other "special" challot). It seems (from both of the above
sources) that the minhag was to bake the key on top of the challah not inside (a la the old jail break

Alan Friedenberg
Baltimore MD

5:14 PM  
Blogger YMedad said...

Here's the original link which you missed:


5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bubbeh meyses!

5:13 PM  
Blogger cool yiddishe mama said...

Yes, this post is a few weeks too late but I did make the schlissel challah right after Pesach. The lady we were staying by for yom tov told us about it. I had already planned on making fresh challah for right after Pesach but I figure doing the segula can never hurt.

12:47 AM  
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2:36 AM  
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