The Jewish Star on the Greenbaum Ruling

At left is the Jewish Star's article covering the Greenbaum lawsuit, which includes an interesting quote by Ms. Greenbaum herself: (click to enlarge):
I am disappointed with the decision,” she said, “to the extent that those who posted disingenuous comments about me will not be held accountable this time.
I hope that as this community moves forward, divisiveness, personal attacks and unthinking language will not be tolerated.
So where do I even begin. First of all, way to move the goalposts, Pam. You may have waited up until the judge emphatically ruled against you, but then it took you no time at all to go from calling the comments in question "defamatory" to calling them "disingenuous". Perhaps Ms. Greenbaum is looking to be a trailblazer in the emerging tort of "disingenuity lawsuits". And while she's at it, maybe she can innovate claims for unwarranted saracasm and poor hygiene. It's actually hard for me to believe that Ms. Greenbaum can justify wasting the court's time and the taxpayers' money over what she has just admitted to being nothing more than disingenuity. Regarding the second half of her comment: Hah. Ms. Greenbaum would have us believe that she is suddenly the poster child for a campaign to wipe out divisiveness in SD#15? That's amusing, considering Ms. Greenbaum's lawsuit seemed to have prodded this community into a fever pitch of divisiveness. The division between Pam supporters and Pam detractors in the wake of the lawsuit was as sharp a rift as I've ever seen in this district. And here we see Ms. Greenbaum preaching unity. Talk about disingenuity.
I also found this quote, from Paul Alan Levy, the attorney who so ably represented me in this case, to be quite interesting:
“Greenbaum's biggest problem is that she now has a judge's opinion that she perjured herself, so she's now in a worse place than when she started,” said Paul Alan Levy, an attorney for Public Citizen Litigation Group, who represented Orthomom pro bono. “The perjury argument was a cute idea — and it is defamatory to accuse someone of perjury, I suppose. The argument could be made that she was accusing her [Greenbaum] of false swearing. The problem is that it was false swearing.”I guess Ms. Greenbaum should have considered being a little less sensitive to the criticisms of her policies as she saw them on these pages. It would seem to me that her attempts to muzzle me and my commenters from disagreeing with her actions as an elected official have potentially bought her a far bigger headache that any of the original comments in question may have brought on.
Also, I penned my own column for the paper in response to last week's ruling. Click here for an image of the piece.
You got her good.
The Court implied at the end of its opinion that Pamela Greenbaum perjured herself by misrepresenting what Orthomom said. The Petitioner’s attorney, Adam Feder, presumably read the blog, prior to filing the action. As such, he probably engaged in subornation of perjury by attaching Pamela Greenbaum's affidavit to the petition, when he knew it was false.
Mr. Feder was admitted to the New York Bar in the Second Department. Anyone that has the time should file an ethics complaint at the address below. Just be sure to attach the Court’s opinion, which indicates as much.
Grievance Committee for the Second and Eleventh Judicial Districts
Renaissance Plaza
335 Adams Street, Suite 2400
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3745
While you are filing grievances perhaps some board members should be added to this letter. This topic is a little ol nuh?
Sad, the board we have now is as interested in our children as they are halloween. I have to figure focusing on Pam is far better than focusing on the state coming in and digging through our books, or a board that thinks they will be able to close two schools when they spent almost half a million on private school issues. The writing is on the wall. This Pam thing is old, and we all knew she would lose. Why is this still an issue, she dropped it. Nothing else to talk a bout?
This Pam thing is old, and we all knew she would lose. Why is this still an issue, she dropped it. Nothing else to talk a bout?
It isn't old at all, the judge ruled this week. Also, Pam didn't drop anything. She lost. Two very different outcomes.
Why even dignify Pam with any pmore posts about her. She doesent get why give her a platform?
I seem to remember that Ms Greenbaum and ALPS asked for and got the State Comptolller to do a full blown audit of the district. Casting this smoke screen is just nonsense.
If Ms. Greenbaum TRULY wants to heal the devisivness in the community, let her come to a BOE meeting and apologize to the community for all her past actions in trying to split the community. Her divide and conquer attitude didn't work in the past and weill not work in the future.
Let's see how truly concerned she is or are these just more words of a B _ _ _ _T.
Pam Greenbaum doesn't need to apologize to me, every board meeting I ever attended, she only had the children-ALL- the children in mind.
Don't start on the special ed children in private school, I know the laws, and she followed them, she didn't write them.
How many bd. meetings have you really been too??
OM, I have enjoyed learning from your blogg,you wrote about the VICTORY on the 25th, the wording of the post-tone of the post- was on target.
If I were you I would have been beaming with pride too..
today...the tone...a bit...??
I realize you are writing about an article from the Jewish Star, and you just HAD to make a comment..
Why couldn't you have used the same words, similar words.."I hope that as this community moves forward, divisiveness, personal attacks and unthinking language will not be tolerated."
To me last week you smelled like a rose, sound 'like' the blogger who made Greenbaum file the suit in the frist place.
Jewish law forbids Lashon harah. All you find on this blog is Lashon harah! OM, you should know better...but then, maybe not.
I am a public school parent and an attorney. I am glad that you won the lawsuit because you were in the right. However, if you think Pam is the reason why the community is divided, you are mistaken. I am here 20 years and the community was divided long before Pam filed the suit. If you really want to help this divided community, get off your high horse and right something positive. Write something that may encourage communication between public and private school parents. Communication may help resolve things -- throwing darts at Pam does nothing but feed your ego. Have some respect for yourself.
anon 10:59
I could not disagree more. Om was dragged into court and had to lawyer up over this. Then we see that not only was the suit againt om groundless, pam lied about om in her suit. Now that pam is trying to make nice, i dont blame om one bit for being cynical. I think i would be a little bitter too if i went through all this. Om's tone is very appropriate, in my book.
anon 11:49
Why dont you actually read some of om's recent posts? Sh has been talking about the need for the whole community to unite for a while now. I assume thats why shes been avoiding the sd15 topic. But i dont blame her for writing about it now. May i remind you that she was sued and perjured about?
Anon 11:57: I read the decision and the judge never stated that Pam committed perjury. If you want to spin the decision into perjury, you get no support from me. I have been a defense attorney for 19 years and the decision simply does not state that. Orthomom rightfully won but that's it. If the judge wanted to state that she perjured herself, she could have done so.
Anon 12:36
You are absolutely correct!
Anon 11:57: I read the decision and the judge never stated that Pam committed perjury. If you want to spin the decision into perjury, you get no support from me. I have been a defense attorney for 19 years and the decision simply does not state that. Orthomom rightfully won but that's it. If the judge wanted to state that she perjured herself, she could have done so.
Of course she didn't directly accuse Pam of perjury because this wasn't a criminal proceeding against her where perjury was an issue. But as a practical matter, she did -- she said that Orthomom's accusation that Pam made false statements in her filings -- which Pam herself claimed was an accusation of perjury -- were quote "incontrovertibly true." How is that substantively different than a statement that "Pam Greenbaum is a perjurer"?
First of all, did you know that you can be prosecuted for perjury in a civil action? It is rare but it can happen. Second, it is more likely than not that Pam and her attorney made a mistake as opposed to a false statement where one tries to intentionally mislead. To me, it sounds like Pam and her attorney were not as careful as they should have been. It sounds like sloppy lawyering. While it may be "incontrovertibly true" that there were false statements in Pam's affidavit, you are making a leap that this is tantamount to perjury.
I do want to reiterate that I think the case against Orthomom should never have been filed in the first place.
I do want to reiterate that I think the case against Orthomom should never have been filed in the first place.
Right. But it was. And the problem here is that this was not a case where there was some doubt as to whether OM said something. It was all there in the blog, in black and white. Are you saying that Feder is such a sloppy lawyer that he didn't even read the blog before filing an expensive lawsuit that really had no merit? I'm not sure which is worse. Knowingly filing a false claim or being such an incompetent lawyer that you put your client in the hot seat for making false allegations in a court by not reading the relevant material. Both are bad.
But a big point here that some of the commentators who are defending Pam seem to be missing is that this could have cost OM $100,000 easily had the pro bono offer not been made. There is no excuse for that, and had you been facing that potential when you had nothing at all wrong I wonder how you all would have felt.
Pamela and Feder weren't sloppy. They didn't make a mistake. They filed a suit for poilitical reasons and it bit them back. The only person I have sympathy for is OM, and I wouldn't have minded if she had gloated even more than she did.
The sadness is compounded by the continuing meritless discussion in school district forums. Take a look at the lies and innuendo on the site. Today's entry is particularly hysterical. Now the board is not repairing what the bolg master feels should be repaired. Of course, the reason for the repairs is that there is already a deal with a Yeshiva to take over a particular building. Pam Greenbaum's approach to reading is not "between the lines" it is in place of the lines. She fills in words to compliment her brand of division. It is simply sad.
4:18: Is there evidence that SD15 is Pam?
First of all, did you know that you can be prosecuted for perjury in a civil action? It is rare but it can happen.
Yes. I was conscious during the Clinton impeachment proceedings where this was a central issue. But so what? There is no criminal prosecution of Pam, just a judge writing an opinion in a civil action. In our system of government, a judge can't file criminal charges against a party before her.
Second, it is more likely than not that Pam and her attorney made a mistake as opposed to a false statement where one tries to intentionally mislead.
You are misstating the law of perjury. Perjury means making a sworn statement you know to be false. It does not require a specific intent to mislead. Even if one were to give Pam the benefit of the doubt, and grant her that she didn't know her statements were false, she should have been tipped off by Orthomom's blog posts and court filings in response which spelled it out quite clearly. Instead, Pam continued to falsely attribute statements to Orthomom that she never made.
I will have to agree that today's post on that other site was going to come back and bite them, and I posted that on the other site. However..
save sd15 is trying to help, and all you are trying to do here and there, is make people fight. Do me a favor and take your ball and go home.
Sorry OM, to have to respond to this blogger about another site.
So with a storm on the way this weekend question for all:
Do you have batteries ready, medications, gas in the cars, water and clothing to go???
Unless you're in Cape Cod or Nova Scotia there is no storm coming to us this weekend. No more than 10% probability of any rain. Succos weather has finally arrived.
I wonder if this is how rumors start?
I guess you don't check the weather in the morning. Channels 2,5,7 reported up to 50 mile an hour winds, rain and higher tides than normal, I guess your used to it.
8:52am Nice hat trick-using my line from that 'other' site, and being able to copy and paste it. I have to learn that one:)
Anonymous 11:41,
Like the comment made about Pittsburgh "If you don't like the weather just wait a second and it will change" you need to update your forecasts. For the Rockaways:
Today: Plentiful sunshine. High 54F. Winds NE at 10 to 20 mph.
Tonight: Mostly clear skies during the evening giving way to clouds and a few showers after midnight. Low near 45F. Winds NE at 15 to 25 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
Tomorrow: Windy with rain showers. High 52F. Winds N at 25 to 35 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
Tomorrow night: A few clouds early, but generally clear overnight. Low 44F. Winds NW at 15 to 25 mph.
11:41 :-)
To copy & paste: Just left click and drag on what you would like to copy and then right click and select copy. Then, go into the comment section of the other blog and right click and select paste. Try it and let me know how it goes for you. ;->
such a joke. cant believe people sue over such narishkietin which will be vadi thrown out of court. we have a war goiong on and people think this case will get to court? long live OM!!!
2:37THANK YOU, I will try!
I am so bad at the computer I can't even get the two bloggs-comment sections- to stay up at the same time!! Time to ask the 3 year old how it is done:)
When I got a computer I called my mother-in-law and said I was sorry- I now knew, she really had no idea, how to work the VCR.:):):)
1:16 thanks for the forecast, I saw it again after I posted, suffolk is to be hit with a lot of rain, and wind, they tend to follow me:):(
It was probably not OM's intention, but reading about what goes on in the five towns area has made me oh so thankful to live in my own community and not in the five towns. Every community has issues that face it but the jew versus jew or jew versus non-jew troubles written about on this blog have never surfaced where I live B"H. Maybe it's something in the water you drink?
to change the neighbor received a call from gourmet glatt. it seems that a case of bush's PORK and Beans made it to the shelf.. several cans were sold to customers who were not paying attention to the labels.. GG tracked and called the customers. my question...did this EVER happen under the old owners??? and why did our VAAD not notice this? and why wasnt the store closed down during an investigation? could it be because so many of the VAAD members are also owners?? Just curious.
Good for you OM. You deserved to win.
Anonymous said...
It was probably not OM's intention, but reading about what goes on in the five towns area has made me oh so thankful to live in my own community and not in the five towns. Every community has issues that face it but the jew versus jew or jew versus non-jew troubles written about on this blog have never surfaced where I live B"H. Maybe it's something in the water you drink?
10:06 AM
no, not in the water we drink. it was never like this before 5-6 years one time, this was a diverse community where people lived and practiced their religious beliefs and this absolute hatred among neighbors was not there. you figure the rest.
The important point to realize is that this blog, as popular as it is, is representative of a small group of vocal people. This "community" is a lovley one and is not represented by the malevolent writers of letters to the editor or contributors to blogs.
There is One who can end the hatred in the Five Towns. His name is Yeshua, our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His Koporah on the Etz, all of humanity can come together in peace and harmony. If there ever was a place that needed the love of Jesus, it is the Five Towns. Some may find this message annoying but others will reach for the truth it represents and find that real Shalom that only comes when we receive Yeshua into our hearts.
To find out how you have this peace, call 1-888-Needhim.
Your Dear Brother in Christ,
Rabbi Neal Abraham Wendrow
You are misstating the law of perjury. Perjury means making a sworn statement you know to be false. It does not require a specific intent to mislead. Even if one were to give Pam the benefit of the doubt, and grant her that she didn't know her statements were false, she should have been tipped off by Orthomom's blog posts and court filings in response which spelled it out quite clearly. I think Orthomom is a slut. Instead, Pam continued to falsely attribute statements to Orthomom that she never made.
Eh, this is so boring already. You people (both sides of the issue) have become so entrenched, it's no longer about rights, and what's best for the children/community. It's about 'winning'. I really hope this is gonna be your last post about this issue move the F$@! in already, or get a hobby, find something to do with your time
Yeshua wants me here and so I remain, sharing Christ's love to all in sight!
May Jesus always make you smile!,
Your dear brother,
Rabbi Neal Abraham Wendrow
Don't go away angry, just go.
"I think Orthomom is a slut."
Anon 6:09, do you have any proof to back up this assertion?
What sort of "proof" would satisfy your gutter-dwelling mind, BCA? Besides it seems to be the intent was to make a point regarding "opinion" v. "assertion", ala this post.
Wow! I haven't checked this sight in a long while. It's like a soap opera, you don't have to watch every day but no matter when you tune in, nothing really changes. Its just more of the same old thing.
You go, girl! *celebrating*
"What sort of "proof" would satisfy your gutter-dwelling mind, BCA?"
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