I Am Not Making This Up

Now, I am certainly in support of donations to "help provide Jewish children with a Torah education". And I fully believe that giving Tzedakah is one of those good deeds that certainly couldn't hurt when it comes to ensuring God's protection. But for this instituition to solicit that sort of charity, and give this promise of safety in return as some kind of slam-dunk assurance of safe travel is, um...not something I would feel comfortable relying upon. The tone of the ad offers the protection against injury or accident as a bit too much of a sure bet, with language like "one way to make sure you get there safely", and "Shemirah Bidrachim prevents accidents from happening in the first place", and this testimonial, from a satisfied customer, to boot:There are many ways to get from Point A to Point B this summer.
There's one way to make sure you get there safely.
Ordinary insurance can provide financial insurance in case of an accident, but Shmirah Bidrachim prevents accidents from happening in the first place.
For just pennies a day, you and your family will receive the ultimate protection from harm while traveling.
For a minimal fee of 40 cents a day, two thousand children recite select tehillim and additional special tefilos of pretection for each policy holder.
In exchange, your fee will help provide a Jewish child with a License to Suceed in life by getting the best possible Torah education.
Shemirah Bedrachim is supported by leading Rabbonim including Hagaon Harav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, shlita, Hagaon Harav Ovadia Yosef, shlita, Hagaon Harav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, shlita, among others.
List of Benefits:
- Free Tefilas Haderech bookletFree Certificate of Protection
- Protect your family from harm while traveling
- Special 2-month Summer Package
- Help provide Jewish children with a Torah education
I was heading home during my regular evening commute from the hospital, when out of nowhere, a huge SUV slammed into the side of my car. It sounded like a bomb had detonated right next to me.
I don't remember much from the incident, but I should not have walked away without a scratch. But I did.
And I can only attribute it to my Shemirah Bidrachim Insurance Policy.
It saved my life.
Are we really to believe, as the language implies, that this protection is absolutely guaranteed? Well, not even the organization behind the offer believes that, apparently. The CYA fine print on the bottom of the ad makes that quite clear:
This agreement is a mere spiritual agreement! It does not constitute any grounds for the Insured to claim money from the Ashdod Mercaz Chinuch Project or anyone affiliated with this campaign.
People, if you are going to rely upon this particular insurance policy for your traveling safety this summer, I have a few tips that might boost the efficacy of your purchase: drive carefully, buckle up, and observe traffic laws.
And if you're travelling overseas, buy some travel insurance. Like, from an insurance company.
This is just another example of how the chareidi morons with their stupid looking homburgs and kapotas have hijacked Judaism.
i have seen this ad in either the jewish press or 5tjt.
BTW, anon
what does anything have to do with hamburgs and kapotes?
This is really crazy. The question is whether these claims are subject to truth in advertising laws?
stop this religion. i want to get off.
That is completely appalling - it implies that God is a coin-operated machine, who Himself cannot choose to respond to prayers with "no."
kaka pee pee
I find this type of thing really quite irritating as well.
There would be no problem (indeed it would be quite proper) for a fundraising ad to mention the concepts of "Tzedaka Tatzil Mimaves" (Charity saves one from death) and to tout the tremendous z'chus (merit) that is gained by supporting Torah learning. However, as OM points out - the specific guarantees by the organization are just too much. In addition to the (likely unintentional) implication that it is the organization that provides protection rather than one's merit from the mitzvah of tzedaka, It reduces the giving of tzedaka to a crass commercial transaction - which it seems to me cheapens the overall mitzva.
I can understand, although I find it instinctively distasteful, the need for organizations to resort to newspaper ads and glossy inserts in order to raise money to continue their holy work, but the outright promises of specific reward in this world seems somewhat perverse (an inverse sale of indulgences, lehavdil elef alfei havdolos).
It seems to me that what is at the root of these advertising campaigns (which I assume are successful at raising funds, given their proliferation) is modern Judaism's obsession with segulos of all types. I guess its better for someone to "buy this insurance" than to spend the money and red strings and the like, but the cheapening of the mitzva of tzedaka here doesn't look to be a worthwhile tradeoff in return.
Sick sick sick. I wonder what happens if someone gets into an accident: Can they be sued?
Congrats on breaking 150,000 hits. (Happens to be right under this popup.)
O. M. G.
This is very upsetting. Do you think the haskamas of the gedolim included a review of the appallingly worded ads? Do you get to pay extra before you go on a plane or a boat ride?
This was in yated as well...Struck me as quite disgusting..BUT, if morons believe this and pay, more pwer to the org for the idea.....I'm going to come up with one....2000 children will say tehillim for your family to GARAUNTEE that none of your children see the internet over summer vacation, Chas Vashalom.....
"It seems to me that what is at the root of these advertising campaigns (which I assume are successful at raising funds, given their proliferation) is modern Judaism's obsession with segulos of all types."
You got it! The new Modern Judaism is regressive superstition!
We've come a long way baby....(ugh, how depressing)
One other point:
If they truly believe they have this power, I'd say it is darn well selfish to only provide it to those who pay! Acheinu KOL Bais Yisroel. They will allow innocents to die so they can raise money?
The ad is stapled to MANY lampposts and utility poles in Flatbush. I'm glad I'm not the only one horrified by it.
Actually, this is part of a larger trend which has seeped into the most "closed" elements of Orthodoxy from Western and particularly American culture: consumerism. Everything is portrayed as a business transaction or a purchase of a product/service. The particular application here undermines the segulah fanaticism that other commenters have mentioned, but if you put this piece together with the rest of the puzzle, you will quickly see that this "modernity" sweeping through the holiest halls of our communities. And it didn't even require the Internet to get in there!
Great post. Sick ad.
this is getting alot better than Chaptzem.blogspot.com Ortho you should hang out at the mikvah on friday you will have so much more shtisim to post.
It's funny that in day school and yeshiva we're taught that superstition is wrong, that magic is wrong, that witchcraft is wrong (that science is wrong). But our religion is chock-full of all these things, isn't it? The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
This isn't even superstition. It's a cash transaction that can't deliver the goods
some guy -
Well, lets be careful what we're talking about here. I don't think any of the above posters have any problem with the concept that prayer can result in someone's life being saved, or their circumstances being bettered in any number of ways. It is the crass commercial nature of this ad, making it seem that the power of tefilah is something to be marketed as a commodity, that is a problem.
As to the side discussion on segulos (which I think was what you were referring to, notwithstanding my comments above), the problem is not so much that they are supernatural, as we believe in the supernatural to some extent or another (obviously even the Rambam believes that God has complete control over nature and that he can and occasionally does perform miracles - certainly hidden ones). The problem I see with the segulos (and this is not at all my chiddush) is that they have become a focus that to some extent replaces increased observance because its an easier way out to tie a red string around your wrist than to start davening with more Kavanah.
soooo, if one is planning on driving on israeli roads, do they double the number of children davening for you?
You mean there are people who actually read HaModia?
OM: Saying tefillat haderech is a good idea (in addtion to what you listed).
I was once in a cab in Jerusalem, and the driver was out of control, careening around cars and corners. At some point he narrowly missed hitting a truck, and he immediately kissed the picture of the Baba Sali on his dashboard, and kept on driving like a nutjob.
I think I benched hagomel the next day.
Well I guess it's a brilliant marketing strategy, prey on people's worst fears!
I bet it will be a hit.
Tefillas haderech actually provides a good example of the point that I was trying to raise (and which "somewhat anonymous" called me on). I wonder to what extent tefillas haderech is said as a prayer, and to what extent it is said as a charm. I know people will protest "of course it's not a charm!" So I offer this test (which applies to other prayers as well): Next time you're setting out on a trip with your family in the car, and you're just about to say tefillas haderech... just DON'T. That is, just don't say it. Skip it. When you consciously neglect to say tefillas haderech (rather than just forgetting), examine how you feel. Does it make you anxious that you haven't said it? Do you feel more at risk? Do you feel like you have not done everything to protect yourself and your family? Do you feel that something bad is more likely to happen? If the answer is "yes" to any of these, then I think you'd have to say that tefillas haderech is being used as a "charm" and not a prayer. It's this kind of thinking — which Orthodox people are highly acculturated to — that makes it easy for them to buy into the kind of ridiculous ideas that we see in that advertisement in OrthoMom's post.
some guy - I think your test would go to one's belief in the efficacy of prayer, rather than whether they are treating Tefilas Haderech as a charm. Assuming that you agree with the proposition that prayer can and does have an effect on what happens to us in our daily lives (although not necessarily in a predictable, visible manner), then wouldn't saying Tefilas HaDerech be something one can do to have a safer trip? Now going through it without taking a second to think about the meaning of what you are saying - that could be "using it as a charm" or incantation - but I think thats a point that goes generally to kavana during tefila and understanding what you are saying, and less to the discussion about segulos.
I should note further, although I've said it before, that the only thing I see as a problem with the advertisement is the "fee for service" nature of it (and the seeming guarantees being made). I have no problem with the concept that either tzedaka or tefila can have effects on the physical world, including saving people's lives. This is not superstition, it is basic Jewish belief.
Some guy,
I certainly agree with you on many people saying tefilas haderech as a charm, rather than a prayer. Still, I don't think the test is accurate-one is supposed to say tefilas haderech as a prayer asking to keep us safe on a long journey. We buckle a seat belt and drive carefully because we live according to rules of nature, but saying tefilas haderech says that we know that it's g-d who really keeps us safe, and that's what we're asking from Him. I think the problem comes when ppl think that it's like an incantation that will magically keep them safe, and forget that it's a request, not something to banish the evil travelling spirits.
The hawking of yeshuos and other promises is extremely, extremely frustrating. It is highly dishonest and I believe serves to drive people away from Torah rather than closer.
Ads like such don't receive a response from me.
Hmm interesting what will they think up next?
This is not superstition, it is basic Jewish belief.
The two are not mutually exclusive. When does "prayer" become "charm"? Interesting question. My answer is that when withholding the prayer creates an emotional response of anxiety relating to possible negative physical consequences, then we are moving into the realm of superstition or neurosis. Obviously, it depends on one's theory of prayer. I would say that any prayer presented with the expectation of proximal physical results (deterministic or probabilistic, matters not) is already in the realm of the superstitious and magical. Almost any prayer of the variety "keep me safe" is of this nature. Most other prayers, such as brachot on foods, come to acquire this attribute also when they are said routinely over a long period of time. People are superstitious by nature, and almost any repeated pattern of behavior will tap into these instincts.
I really am unclear as to what everybody is upset about. This has been going on in Judiasm for centuries, ie., paying somebody to say a prayer for you or somebody else. This group has just taken it to a new level and applied modern marketing concepts to an old idea. What is the difference between this and paying someone to say a prayer for you at the Western Wall (www.westernwallprayers.com and many others)? Personally, I think the best way to avoid an accident is to learn to drive defensively. I would rather spend my money on a good defensive driving course. Plus in New York you get the extra added benefit of a 10% discount off of the more expensive parts of your insurance. I will admit though to praying if I have to drive down Central Ave in Cedarhurst on Friday afternoon.
"Hashem yishmor tzeitecha uvoecha," but I guess He needs extra help from 2,000 kids.
Is this protection available to non-observant Jews who might be driving on Shabbat? If not, who will be checking eligibility?
Does it apply if one is speaking lashon hara to a passenger (or talking--illegally--on the cellphone) while driving?
Is additional prayer protection available in case there is (ch"v, ch"v) an accident and then a court case and one needs a little extra Divine help in the legal process.
These issues will help keep the charedi lawyers busy. (I think that development is magnificent.)
some guy - then what is the point of prayers that are requests from God (see e.g. most of Shemoneh Esreh) if expectation of any actual effect in this world relegates it to the level of superstition? To reiterate my statement above, belief in the supernatural (divine control and intervention, even if hidden) is a basic tenet of Jewish belief. This is to be contrasted with the use of certain items as "good luck charms" (e.g. red strings) which don't seem to have much or any basis in the religion.
Am I misuderstanding you? Because you seem to be saying that, because it would be superstitious, we should not believe that prayers can and do have effects in this world, - and that is contrary to basic Judaism.
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I almost choked when I read this...Yet another reason why I don't read the Yated or Hamodia.
At least the guys from Ashdod had a kosher phone, otherwise Hamodia wouldn't publish their ad.
Does this mean that our own prayers to be safe during traveling are not good enough unless it is paid for? How utterly ridiculous. They would have us believe that every day I am not in an accident is because I gave $18 to these clowns?
I don't think prayers to God can be made with any realistic expectation of fulfillment, at least not in the concrete sense. Rather, we admit our hopes and fears to God (and to ourselves) in the expectation that doing so may in some way enable us to meet the challenges we face, and make the correct decisions. By honestly saying to God and to ourselves "here is where I am, and here is where I'd like to go" we hopefully can obtain some clarity on which are the reasonable and desirable actions available to us. People who expect to get material goodies from God because they mouthed a few Hebrew words here and there are going to be disappointed. The only way that anyone can maintain belief in the proximal efficacy of prayer is by utterly discounting its many demonstrated failures. Thus, when our prayers are "answered," we celebrate the efficacy of prayer, but when our prayers are not answered, we make philosophical noises about the unknowability of God, the inscrutability of his ultimate plan, His ways are not our ways, everything is for the best, blah, blah, blah. We're always eager to find excuses for God's bad behavior, because what we are really excusing is our own naivety in believing in such a tit-for-tat system of "ask and you shall receive."
At 3:19 PM, Anonymous said...
"This is just another example of how the chareidi morons with their stupid looking homburgs and kapotas have hijacked Judaism."
What a bigogeted and nasty comment from an obviously warm, caring, and tolerant individual. To be accurate, the true "morons with their stupid-looking" dress are the so-called "Modern Orthodox" female lemmings with the standard uniform of uncovered hair, too-short slitted skirt, sleves that are nonexistant or too short, pants (including tight jeans), etc. for the express purpose of publicly violating Jewish Law while expecting that others believe they are actually Orthodox.
While not deviating from Jewish Law, as silly looking is the typical "Modern Orthodox" Sunday father uniform consisting of poor-fitting jeans, gut sticking way over the belt, short-sleeve t-shirt advertising something inane or worse, tiny baseball yarmulke, etc.
To this 5-towns resident, the (stereo)typical "Modern Orthodox" uniform - both female and male - is far more moronic and stupid-looking than the chareidi people this idiot is deriding.
Try a little ahavat Yisrael before the next time you post, pal.
Chareidi Moron
I agree that a bit a self-control is needed when you get angry about something that you think is pure idiocy but this reminds me of when I was in London and I went to schule on a Shabbat and since at that time there was no eruv and it wasn't my normal schule, I had the Tallit on over my shoulders where everyone could see it (especially the goyim). I was told off by members of a certain well-known synagogue that my manner of dress could cause anti-semitism. My reply to them was: (a) have you ever seen bare-midriffed Indians in saris or Sikhs with turbans, etc.? they don't look "funny"? and (b) look at yourselves - you are all wearing black, three-piece, pinstriped suits with bowlers. and your sons have those funny caps on. You think you are not identifiable as Jews?
While I don't think homburgs should be considered "stupid-looking", I'm all for calling people stupid because of their opinions, not fashion.
Some dad,
so prayer is basically just a time for reflection? then why involve G-d at all?
Does prayer involve God?
some guy - you pray to someone else?
(Out of morbid curousity - what Jewish affiliation/sub-affiliation would you group yourself with?)
I do pray occasionally. I don't really know what kind of entity I'm praying to, and this bothers me, as I think it would bother anyone who gives it a moment's honest thought. However, I too have the recurring hope that if there is some force out there with the capacity to help me and others, that it shouldn't neglect to do so. Perhaps the Prime Mover forgets and needs to be frequently reminded, I don't know. Thus my prayers are of the nature "Whatever or whoever is out there, if you can help me fulfill my role in the world, I would appreciate it. If you can help ease the troubles of the suffering people in the world, I would be grateful. In the meantime, I'll continue to do the best I can with what I have, and hope that it will suffice."
I don't generally believe that anyone is listening to my prayers besides me, but it's a way for me to express that I have not given up hope on myself or anyone else, and to reaffirm my own ideals for how I wish the world would be. For example, I don't think that praying for sick people helps them in any way. However, by taking time out to formally express your fervent wishes for their recovery, you keep them in your mind, and you stay connected with their situation.
Your curiosity is not so morbid. I guess I'm MO or something like that. Is that perhaps humorous?
Why dont we ask this question to orthomom. if the national council of young israel or bnei akiva put out this ad, would it make it to your blog??????
thekvetcher said...
Why dont we ask this question to orthomom. if the national council of young israel or bnei akiva put out this ad, would it make it to your blog??????
Um..of course. What makes you think I have any more affinity for Young Israel or Bnei Akiva than I do for Charedi institutions? If you think that, you are obviously not a careful reader of my blog.
kudos to you. you are an equal opportunity lover of all factions. LOL
To be accurate, the true "morons with their stupid-looking" dress are the so-called "Modern Orthodox" female lemmings with the standard uniform of uncovered hair, too-short slitted skirt, sleves that are nonexistant or too short, pants (including tight jeans), etc. for the express purpose of publicly violating Jewish Law while expecting that others believe they are actually Orthodox.
"for the express purpose of publicly violating Jewish Law": Sounds ridiculous to me. Do you have any reason at all to believe it's true?
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