Nice Mention
Nice article in the Forward about the OU's decision to put up a piece disparaging working mothers on the front page of their site, which I criticized in this post last week. There's a nice little quote from my blog in the Forward article, and one from a comment on the post's comment thread:
The essay, which first appeared several years ago in the O.U.'s Jewish Action magazine, drew criticism from Orthodox bloggers on the Internet and from some Orthodox women who work.The writer also quotes Avraham:
"Um, is someone a bit defensive?" asked popular blogger Orthomom, a mother of four. "Laud yourself all you want. But when it comes to my life's choices... please shut up."
Others criticized the O.U.'s decision to post the article on its front page. One respondent on Orthomom's site said, "I don't think it's the place of the O.U. to put an editorial like that out there without it saying in big bold letters that it is an opinion piece and not the opinion of the institution, which supposedly represents all of us."
"I'm not sure what message this is supposed to send all the married/child-rearing women who work at the O.U.," "Avraham" wrote on wonder what Avraham did to get his actual web address published, though. But can't complain, I guess - she called me a "popular blogger"!